Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I use unfolded teabagbags for bookmarks

I have been here now for two weeks and today I bought some laundrysoap. So, I was going to a laundry in the other building. In the meantime I stuck an orange in my pocket because I was going to eat it, the vitamines are good for me. When I was halfway the frontdoor I noticed I forgot a knife and went back into the kitchen to get one. When I came to the drawer I saw I had a cup of coffee standing there, freshly poured. For one moment I thought I should take that one also, but that would be too much. When I took off my wooden shoes at the other door I heard the washingmachine running. Someone was already doing a her laundry. I left my laundrysack there and went back home. This all happened fifteen minutes ago, I did some more things in that time, but can't remember. By now I have peeled and eaten my orange and my cup of coffee is half full.

I can do multitasking, I just have to walk from task to task alot.

Yes, it's great to feel energy again in my body and in my mind. I have been drawing these angels last night, They really came out well. I don't know which one I like better. Can you tell?
I could not sleep last night, and today I don't even feel tired. I am really getting better and I love it.

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