Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November Horse Sketches

This is the same girl that was riding a cow´s back a few months ago.
This time she has not come out so calm and majestic.

I took the book "Te hooi and te gras" with me from my stay in the Netherlands,
It is a picture book by Rien Poortvliet, and it has much farm life in it. This wagon was in there too.
Just not with the kids and the added decorative woodwork.
The woodwork is supposed to look like native Norwegian style of carving.

From time to time, it is great fun to live and work on the farm,
I am very happy that I have worked on different kinds of farms, both in the Netherlands and on Iceland.

<3 horses

Ik zit nou in een periode waar ik heel veel naar het "eggie" aan het tekenen ben (van echte foto´s en tekeningen/schilderijen), kopieeren kan denk ik iedereen.
Hoe meer ik het illustreren als mijn werk ben gaan zien, hoe meer ik ook zie dat ik nog heel veel moet leren. En ik geniet er van om paarden te tekenen, die hebben karakter.

I have had a period where I have been sketch a lot from reference (both photo and illustration), the more I have been looking at illustration as my work, the more I have figured out that I still have a lot to learn. And I just enjoy doing horses, they have character.

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