Monday, March 19, 2012

Drawing Diary: 16 and 17 March 2012

16 March: Hello healthy people.
Pizza for supper. I talked with a visiting family. They have been working with street-kids in South America for many years, but are in Europe for a three-month family-course. They are on this course to: "spend some time with healthy people", and have time together as a family. They chose this course rather than a leadership-training-course. YAY for prioritizing your family before your work/carreer.

17 March: If you would have two months to learn from someone.
I was talking with one of our new staff after dinner. She is from abroad, and is planning to stay in Norway. She didn´t really know what she wanted to do for the next couple of months. There are many things to be involved in at the YWAM-base here. Someone recommended her to find someone she thinks she can learn something from, and work with him/her. This is the idea of discipleship. I recommended her to learn Norwegian.

I love it how the Catholic Encyclopedia starts off their explaining the word disciple: "This term is commonly applied to one who is learning any art or science from one distinguished by his accomplishments".

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