Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Quick decision-making

This is my little glass jar of pencil-sentiment. The totally black pencil is from the IKEA, but got ink all over it, one time when my ink-well leaked inside my pencil-case.

Mijn wekelijkse dinsdag-blog is aan het lijden onder de hoeveelheid werk wat ik aan mijn tekendagboek besteed. I had gehoopt om ze allebei tegelijk te kunnen doen, mijn wekelijkse blog en het dagboek die zo ongeweer om de andere dag komt. Maar alleen al het dagboek al is een hele hoop met werk. Nou ik met zoveel dingen bezig ben, merk ik dat ik mijn tijd goed moet prioriteren. Tussen mijn privé-leven, mijn werk (YWAM, Café UNO en mijn eigen tekenarij) en de kerk.

I zal dus mijn wekelijkse blog even in de wacht zetten.
En misschien dat ik binnenkort mijn dagboek ook in de wacht ga zetten, omdat er een groot en spannend project aan zit te komen waar ik liever min tijd aan wil besteden.

My weekly blog-deal has been suffering under the huge amount of work I am doing for the drawing diary. I was hoping that I could do both the weekly blog-post and the drawing diary that comes about every other day. But the diary alone is a lot of work. I really have to prioritize my time well, to have a meaningful life. At all area´s, my private life, my work (YWAM and Café UNO) and being active in church.

I will shelve the weekly blog for as long as I am doing my daily diary, just so I know I have enough time to do the diary well. The content should be about the same. The diary gets me to live more "in the moment" and I really like that. I was used to take a long time to reflect well over a decision. The diary forces me to make quick decisions.

Some things need more time than one day, especially when it comes to the people around me. Not everyone relates positively to quick decision-making. And all the quick decision-making will most likely catch up on me after a couple of months. For now it feels really good, I feel I get things done.

This week I heard that there was a cool and big project coming up, and I am considering to drop the drawing diary to make time for this new project.

This week, I have been working on some activities/puzzles again.
This is some of the line drawing for chapter two of the book of Jonah.

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