Friday, May 11, 2012

Drawing Diary: 9 and 10 May

9 May: Slide in, slide out
At work today, I scanned, some 50 slides, that is a lot of sliding in and out. To get the best focus, most of the time, I have to put the film from the original slide into a thinner one. And then back again. Meanwhile I have been flipping trough the comics catalog of Soleil. I like the french comics more than those from the east and the west. It´s what I grew up with.

10 May: sizzle in the wind
Grilled pork-chops and hot-dogs were on the menu today. Me and Werner had each our barrel-grill, just outside the dining hall. Before it started to rain we got some people to put a tarp over the grills, that kept the fire going. The tarp, waving in the wind, lifted my imagination to think how it would be to make food on a viking-ship. YWAM is renting a viking ship this summer, to take it to Newcastle and back. Thanking the English for the Gospel.

The most idyllic thing about the barbeque this thursday was that, towards the end of the work-day our mechanic came by to ask for a hot-dog for the road. It kind of give me that special community-vibe.

This week was the last time I have been making these big thursday-dinners. No more big stories of large and lush meals for many people. I moved my dinner-prep shift to the friday. The reason for the change, is to fit things better with my regular work.

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