Monday, July 30, 2012

Drawing Diary: 28 and 29 July

28 July: Crash Day
After two weeks of vacation, one week of GOfest and a full week at the office, I had a crash-day today. I feel like I always have to be productive, but ignored this today. After sleeping in I baked two homemade pizza´s and ate them together with Pantxi and half the Goldie family. All the while we watched some of the Olympics.

29 July: Vikings on the Tyne
Big day for YWAM Norway, we steered a longboat down the river Tyne and into Newcastle, to thank the English for bringing the good news about "Hvitekrist" to Norway for a 1000 years ago. Lots of spectators and a very happy Viking-crew. Afterwards a ceremony and a concert was held at the Baltic Square in Newcastle.

Here is YWAM Norway´s blog-entry about the happening.
We had a couple of news-stations cover the event. And that is what we wanted.

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