Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Drawing Diary: 30 September and 1 Oktober

30 September: Sunday school
Because of "Sunday-school-leader-shortage", I was asked to help out. My hope for this sunday-school session was that the little kids would learn from us adults what God meant for them, rather than that we would run a program with them.
I think we managed to do this, I told some sunday-school stories from my home-church, and that I can know about God through reading the bible and from asking other christians about him.

1 Oktober: extinguished …
Our prayer-room at Grimerud has finished their two years of on-going prayer vigil for Norway, for the world, for missions. And for many, many, many other things. They blew out the oil-lamp that had been burning for all this time. Now the prayer-room is "regular" again, and we will continue to do our regular prayers for all those who are in need, and for ourselves.

The text of the day for the sunday school was from Psalms 8:3-4.
This psalm keeps reminding me of the old hymn, and I sometimes miss the experience of sitting quiet in a big church listening to a big church-organ play.

If I am going to do a weekly diary-page, this is what I can imagine it can look like. Lots of smaller drawing that make up the cascade of experiences of that week.
I would like to do "something more" of page-layout, than just dot the page with small illustrations. But, knowing myself, I will probably make that happen anyway.

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