Friday, December 28, 2012

Drawing Diary: 25 and 26 December

25 December: Nulla dies sine linea
I showed this book to a catholic friend. When he saw the constant effort I had put in it, he  reminded me of a quote he had learned in latin-class. In the fourth century, Apelles of Kos said: "Nulla dies sine linea", which means "not a day without a line". Apelles made it a habit to practice painting and drawing every day. Sometimes, it would be good to set off a large block of time to devote myself to studying illustration or art (or the bible), in the meantime, I will consistently practice a little every day. 

(I mixed up the days and put this story in one day too early,
this is the entry for the 27th.)
27 December: Almost born
A friend couple from Nepal has been expecting their first child on the 25th. And when the baby would come, I was going to drive them to the hospital. This afternoon, she was in so much pain that we decided to get her to the hospital. There was a full moon in the pink afternoon sky when we drove there. Me and another friend stayed with them all the time until ten in the evening. Our room had very low lighting and it was completely dark outside. From time tot time we talked, prayed, sang and read from the bible. To see her in so much pain, and being able to help, made me feel a bit powerless. I know that the only thing I can do is to be there with them and for them. The couple stayed in the hospital, and I drove back home for the night.

The year is ending, and has only a few days left for us. As you can see, I mixed up two stories. That would not have happened if I would have written, drawn and published the stories right away.

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