Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mixable week 2: Wait up, grow up

I felt an emptiness the whole week. the daily scribbler inside, born last year, 
is learning to grow into a weekly scribbler. I had a tough time 

to stay out of my office in the evenings. Scribbling twice about a whole week requires different kind of thinking that writing about one thing every day. The bible devotions in the morning take less time than I though, but I often need more than a few days to make them change my life.

The Nepali friend I drove to the hospital and back last year, passed for his theoretical driver´s-test last week.
In a few weeks, he is going to go for his practical test. In the meantime he still calls me

to sit next to him whenever he needs to get to town for groceries and different other errands.
We even made a four-hour trip to west of Oslo where he bought a second-hand stroller.
The city gave him lots of driving-practice, and we had lots of time to talk.

I have bought a case of watercolor-pencils and am learning to use them. Also, I have to get a little bit used to the "mixable" format of the diary-entries. I am really liking the bright colors that the pencils give, and see clearly that the format forces me very quickly to work very geometric and conceptual. I think I should be happy, because this is very unique to the art of illustration.

Does anyone reading this have a suggestion how I can make this "mixable 2013"-thing into an interactive experience so that I can independently flip the top and bottom parts of the book. That would be fun! My guess is that it shouldn´t be difficult.

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