Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mixable Week 3: Shifting trust

We had a good day at the youth-café on tuesday, a lot of youth came. 
Even while it was under -15 C outside, We still sold six smoothies.
I didn´t get to talk much with the youth, but among the co-workers we talked about how we had come

to personally follow Jesus. For me, from when I left my parents house, and until I had come to Norway, I learned that I can trust that God is good. That He was real and unchanging. Today, at 31, it is getting clearer for me that I can not trust in my own good, and how much I need Him. Every day.

For this one, I thought I was either going to draw a train or a castle, something large, tough and everlasting. But I ended up with the flying scene with Marahute from "The Rescuers down-under".

I am starting to eat fish again this year, It seems that I am as allergic as I thought I was. This week we had trout on several days, and one day with fish-balls in white sauce. None of those seem

to have done me any evil. But the shrimp, hiding in the sauce gave me weird queasy reaction right when I ate them. So, Krusy Krab and his crustacean kind can stay underwater for my part, and be the food for whales and seagulls. 

The above picture is from a sculpture by Gustav Vigeland. Vigeland is known from the sculptures in Frogner-parken, and for having designed the Nobel peace-prize medal. The monsters in his of his graphic works (drawings and woodcuts) have a very Gieger/The Matrix kind of look to them.

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