Saturday, June 8, 2013

Booklet: The Foundational Values of YWAM

Here is the digital version of a booklet we have made for YWAM Norway and YWAM international. The photographer has taken the initiative and did all of the photography and layout. I got asked to help out with finalizing the layout, and to make sure all of the technical details were as they should be.

The booklet shows the foundational values of the missions-organisation I am with.
The photographer who has his website over at

This week at Grimerud, we are running a big YWAM conference where we are talking through these values. The founders of the missions are with us, and often share stories of how these values got into the mission.

What does it look like

I often find myself asking the question: "What does that look like?". So, it has been really good for me to hear what these values look like in practice. Not only from the couple that started YWAM, but especially from the others that have been with the mission in a long time. On the conference we have people from different nations, different ages, and all trying to do what God has called them to do. It´s all so different, but we are all serving he same God.

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