Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mixable week 24: Second week of the DNA conference

After all the impressions of last week, I am too tired to make the picture I want to make. I need some extra weeks to process all of it. I have been showing our Jonah-things to many people, and this diary too. People liked both of them a lot, and it looks like more good things are going

to happen with the Jonah-pages. It´s all in the air still. With YWAM, we get to see what God is doing through his people in all the parts of the world. We cheer each other on, work in teams. We get to work with whatever is in our hands.
I often have pen and ink in mine!

On wednesday we had set off some time to pray for the different countries in our Northern European region (Scandinavia and the Baltic countries). There was a table with a big sheet of paper set up for every country. Just when that was about to start, someone tapped me on the shoulder and asked me

to draw all kinds of ships on the big white-board in the front. And while I was drawing ships, ferries, canoes, freighters and fishing boats, people behind asked God to equip the mission with more ships so we can reach all the little islands out in the ocean. This was one of the most creative prayer-times I have been part of.

I missed out on a couple of meetings, in the second week of the DNA-conference. One of the illustrations used in a talk I missed was about a pickle. The point was that we are meant

to saturate and "baptize" the whole of society with biblical values. I´m gonna track the recordings of this session.

I´m going to have a few weeks of vacations soon, and I plan to use some of that time to go through all the notes and audio-recordings from the conference. Right now we are in the last week before the summer vacation.
I guess I will be drawing a lot too, in the vacation.

Here´s a photo of the the witheboard full of ships,
after I was done drawing all of them.

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