Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homedays: Visual note-taking

Tuesday´s notes from our "Homedays"

Wednesday´s notes from our "Homedays"

Drawing conclusions

Again, little time for a long post. And again, I am up after my bedtime making drawings for you.
This week, we are having "Home-days" at Grimerud. This means we drop our work for a few days and spend time together, talk about how we are doing. Rather than talking about what we are doing.
This means we have long meetings, where we are can process and talk about things.
My way of processing, has been to draw and write. And it´s interesting to see how the ideas connect visually. My imagination helps me to draw conclusions.

Since all work is for the time of homedays, I had a "almost-final" week of making Mot Målet. We did get a lot done, but I am still wearing my editor-hat in addition to my designer-hat. Only today, We´ve gotten to taking a cover-picture for the magazine.
By this time next week, we should have made the deadline.

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