Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sketches: showing Jesus

Character sketch: Jesus with Mary Magdalene, Lazarus and Martha.

If Jesus would take a group-selfie with anyone in his time, I think it would probably be with his closest friends.

Story sketch: Jesus and the children (one child).

These are pencil sketches of biblical characters for a sunday-school project. Children´s bibles all kind of look alike to me. They show the stories of the bible. But as a grown-up christian, I don´t relate to the bible as stories with people in them. To me those people in the stories are real, especially Jesus.
One christian mantra says: "christianity is a relationship, not a religion", and that´s what I have tried to do with these sketches. I am trying to picture how Jesus comes close to me, and show how I like to relate back to him.
I try not to talk for God, but let him talk for himself. As an artist I do not plan to place myself between the bible and the audience, but I hope that what I can show of my relationship to God will encourage others in their relationship to God.

I really liked the story of this statue of a homeless Jesus, Jesus on a bench is one I immediately can relate to. Also pope Pontifex is showing an example of Jesus that is not difficult to misunderstand. That´s also why these above sketches are based off photos of the pope.

I hope that you have had a chance to enjoy the newest issue of our YWAM magazine, within a week or so, I will start working on the next issue.

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