Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Dozing away the summer days

These have been hot summer days,
where you just want to lay ont he grass and snooze.

Watercolour paintings without ink-lines,
they can look really dreamy.

Here are both pictures look really neat on each their facing page of the book.

It´s been that kind of summer, where it´s almost too hot to be at work. At least if I don´t have an ice-cream every day. In one week the normal office life will pick up again, and I´m looking forward to that. But first there is going to be our annual GOfest again, in the south of Norway.

I´ve always wanted to try and make watercolour paintings without ink-lines. I´ve seen other people´s work that looked really nice. So, I hope you like it. Down here is a drawing with ink-lines, I made that one when it was late and I should have gone to bed.

I had to cut some onions,
what happened next brough tears to my eyes.

Well, I actually didn´t have to cut any onions. I drew this picture to because I was tired of the so-many-est video with a headline ending with "… what happened next brought tears to my eyes".
It´s cucumber-season on the internet too, I suppose.

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