Friday, May 1, 2015

Mot Målet #1 2015

In the time leading up to the Arts Internship I had been working hard on this year´s first issue of our Norwegian YWAM-magazine Mot Målet. Most of it I got done before I left, and some of it I finished while in London.

By request of the missions-department of YWAM Norway, we dedicated this issue on the Middle-East. We wanted to put a light on the hopefull things that are happening in the middle of the refugee-crisis and the extreme violence of fundamental muslims. While only very very few muslims (less than 0,01%) actually support the wars we see in the news, all of the muslim need Jesus. 

This is an article that shows historical roots of today´s extreme violence in Islam,
it spans over five pages, and is the longest article we have made for our magazine.
We are hoping to have the time to make a nicer illustrated info graph of this timeline.

We expected to get a lot of response on the whole section about the Middle-East. Strangely enough, it´s the backside that we got the most critical comments most on. Here we had a picture of Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth with A Mission, together with the pope. Loren had met with the heads of three churches (the catholic, the anglican and the coptic church) to encourage them for a global effort to get a bible in every home in the world.
Even though we stand in very different church-traditions, we all agree that the Bible is Gods word and that it should have a living part of our lives as followers of Christ.

Loren Cunningham and the pope are sharing our back-cover.

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