Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I´ll be in Norway

Yes, last weekend I came back from Switzerland, where I have been for the last block of the PCYM. We all graduated, now I am a children´s and youth worker (?) or something. Well actually I still work as an illustrator for the Øystein project with YWAM in Norway.

In the last weeks, I learned a lot about how I go
about making our own magazine. After the GoFest I prayed and talked with some more people, and decided that I want to see this magazine happen, and I have committed to be working with this for the 5 years. In Switzerland we had teaching about leadership and teamwork and lots of other things that are involved with that. That gave me some good tools and understanding of what I can be doing how I like to do it.

The coming week, I will spend some time to plan the next years. That is quite a step and a challenge, I feel ready for it and really want to see it happen.

It is so good to be back at the base again at Grim
erud, where we can enjoy the final days of the summer, September can be such a nice month. The new DTS has begun, and that means
22 students, a lot more life.

This is a big drawing I worked on the two weeks between the GoFest and our school in Switzerland, it was a lot of work and I worked some evenings, I am very happy with it.

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