Monday, March 12, 2012

Drawing Diary: 10 and 11 March 2012

10 March: I was blind but now I see (Joh 9)
Egil Svarthdahl had let us know that christians use 90 to 95% of their resources on christians, I understand that a church building and staff are pricey. From his experience as a TV-pastor, he said the Norway is not waiting for christians to make speeches, but rather to show who God is, by their lives. Even those who are believers have this need.

11 March: The christian artist/blogger
Me and 500 other people where in Vang-church to listen to Egil Svartdahl. He talked about fear and peace, about himself, and about Ludvig and Solan. With a couple of friends we sat in a café afterwards. The conversation came to «christian artists», I think it´s legit if my artwork does not show my beliefs, but it would not be legit if I, as a person, would not show what I believe in.

On the saturday-seminar, Egil explained some idea´s from Bill Hybels book: Becoming a Contagious Christian.

Here is a cool video from one of my favorite bands talking about being a christians.

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