Friday, April 10, 2009

No comics for the boys

Yes, that was a good time being back in Holland.
We left Norway early in the morning, when everything was white and blue and gray, and when we arrived in Germany the sun was shining, things look more green and colorful. My parents picked us up from the airport and drove us to the YWAM base where we gonna be for the second block of the school about children and youth work.
It was nice to see our friends again, and very very nice to be back in my own country and show my Norwegian friends around. In these weeks the topics were "Discipling Youth" and "How to reach children". Unfortunately, there wasn´t much new things I learned. The good thing was to see our team and how we work from what we learned. I see now that our team is very much working with media and we work with children very indirectly.

We make CD´s, video´s and magazines that go into the homes of the families and are tools there for the children and parents to use. All the other people in this school work directly with children and youth, doing clubs and meetings and take them to other countries. I should not get out of touch with "children" by just sitting  behind my drawing table and make stuff.

Well, in the past weekend we had a big Easter Festival here at the base, with 103 kids participating and also 30-40 leaders helping us. When we came back from Holland, we flowed seamlessly into the festival, we arrived with the same train as most of the leaders came with.
I had been asked to do a activity, something with drawing, during my time in Holland I planned somewhat of a comic-making seminar, and was expecting boys to come for that. It ended up that the advertised it a drawing activity, and then only girls showed up. Ålright, no problem, I had to rethink my plans, and ended up doing portrait drawing and some other things. Both the groups enjoyed it, I had some time to sit down and draw about five portraits.

I haven´t been a arts teacher before, but I did like the challenge. Here are some of the participants drawing that they got to make with my digital drawing tablet.

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