Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mixable week 23: First week of the DNA conference

What I have enjoyed a lot about this DNA-conference here at Grimerud is that I get to see what the vision, values look like for the people that have been with YWAM for a long time. I learned that the question of: "what does it look like?" has become an important question to me (because of my work). As I started

to oversee the the four teams that one working at the café, all this talk about leadership became really practical for me. I get to make sure everyone enjoys their time, knows where to find the ingredients. I still have a lot to improve on as a leader. The coolest thing in the café these week are the Grimerud Plum smoothies we make form our own plums that got picked last fall.

At the YWAM DNA conference, David Hamilton had several times spoken about the bible, and the importance to remember it´s stories. He has developed the SourceView bible, which lets you read the bible in a more narrative way.  I love stories and I love the bible. After every story we read, he told us

to think of three things we learned about God´s character. It is a little extra step to start doing this with my weekly drawings. The drawing is from one of my favorite Norwegian folktales: The twelve wild ducks.

During the evenings, we have had different optional seminars. One that I attended was titled: "God is light", where we got a scientific presentation of the properties of light, and what they tell us of God. In the beginning of the Bible, God speaks light into being, so she gave a number of examples of how sound-waves are able

to create lights. One of her examples was from the Mantis shrimp, who creates bits of light while snapping it´s claws.
This animal also happens to have the most complex eyes of the animal kingdom.

To be at this conference has been really good. And the weather has just been very very enjoyable. The YWAM-value booklet that we have made has been really well received, and it looks like we are going to help translate it into several other languages.

Otherwise, I a getting more input than I am able to process on that day. I hope to be able to process this some time this summer.

Alright, hope that I will be able to give you some more good stories from the second week of this wonderful and crowded conference.

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