Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Shields that float

Shields float on paper, not on water.
There was a small viking boat in the harbour of Hamar,
so I sat down to draw it, then added the playing children afterwards.

I am in Stavern at the moment, on YWAM Norway´s annual summer-conference, meeting up with co-workers and the missionaries that have been back in Norway for their vacations.
Some time last week, I was in town and found this viking boat tied in the harbour.

Same vikingboat, but from a different angle,
the boat´s name is «Olavkvite».

Always make sure you take a lot of photos,
just in case you´re going to need it for reference later.

Sitting in the harbour, with my feet dipped in the water was the closest I got to swimming this summer. I am of the weird kind that has a lot more fun in imagining kids diving off a viking boat, trying to land on floating shields, than actually going for a swim myself.
The place we are with all of YWAM Norway is at the sea, so maybe I´ll take a dive from the skerries there.

After we are all good and well back from the GOfest, my work with YWAM´s magazine will pick up again. I am very very happy that the editor finally has come back from her one-year furlough. It´s good to be two again.

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